Susan Goldstone is a hardworking paralegal at the biggest law office in the city.

Her boss surprises her one day with the task of delivering several subpeonas to perpetrators around the city. If she succeeds, she will become a partner in the law firm! If she fails? Well it's best not to think about that.

Unfortunately, as soon as she stepped out the door, a big gust of wind blew all her papers around. Struggling to gather them, they are now hopelessly out of order, and she doesn't know which one goes to whom!

Susan will have to rely on her wits and reasoning, and question the locals to fill in the blanks and deliver the subpeonas properly. Her future depends on it!


Use the mouse to navigate the game's interface.

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No Grapes Games is:

Art: Justin Raimey

Programming: Ben Johnson 

Nathan Caldwell

Music: Calvin Brown

Story: Andrew Caldwell

2023, LD53


Download 38 MB
lts.ld53.linux.tar.gz 38 MB

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